How to Alleviate Pain Associated with Herniated Discs
Stretching techniques and gentle exercises to aid in relieving pain from herniated discs.
Did you know that as much as 80% of Americans suffer from lower back pain? Take into consideration the number of people who have herniated discs from a variety of causes and we have a widespread problem.
A herniated disc refers to a problem with one of the rubbery cushions, or discs, that are located between the individual vertebrae that stack together to make your spinal column. A herniated disc occurs when the jelly-like center, otherwise known as the nucleus, pushes out through a tear. These tears can occupy any part of the spine; lumbar, thoracic, cervical, and can result in pain, numbness, or weakness in an arm or leg.
Here are some gentle exercises and stretches that work to increase flexibility in the spine, neck and back that you can pair together to help provide some relief from the pain and pressure caused by herniated discs.
Neck Stretches to be done seated or standing
*Seated or standing
Gently drop your ear to your shoulder and pause, slowly move through center to the other side
Gently lower your chin to your chest and pause.
Move through center and gaze up at the sky. Try not to crunch in the back of your neck. Think about lengthening through the crown of your head.
2. Hamstring Stretch
*Seated or standing
Standing or seated in a chair, extend one leg in front of you and flex your foot. Hinge slightly forward at your waist with a long spine until you feel a stretch all the way up the back of your leg.
3. Cat-Cow Stretch
Begin in a four point kneel, drop your head, round your spine, and gaze at your thighs. Think about reaching from the center of your spine up to the sky.
Drop your belly to the floor, arch your spine, open across your chest.
4. Curl into a tight ball
Lay on your back, draw your knees into your chest, curl your chin to your chest until you find a comfortable stretch through your low to mid back.
5. Knee to chest stretch
Lay on your back, draw one knee into your chest and extend the other leg on the floor. Breathe into the stretch and gently switch to the other side.
6. Figure 4
Lay on your back and extend your Right leg up to the sky with a flexed foot, externally rotate your leg, place your ankle over your Left thigh, reach for behind your Left thigh and draw your legs close to you. Think about unraveling the ends of your spine along the mat.
Strength Exercises
Standing obliques
Start with your feet hip width apart in parallel, reach your Right arm up to the sky, place your Left hand on your hip, draw your Right elbow to your Right knee and then release back down. Complete 10 reps each side.
2. Donkey kicks
Begin in a four point kneel with your hands under your shoulders, your knees under your hips, and a soft bend in your elbows. Flex your Right foot and press your leg up at a 90 degree angle keeping your hips and shoulders square to the floor and then lower your leg back down. Complete 10 reps on each side.
In your same four point kneel, flex your Right foot, squeeze your outer glutes, and lift your leg out to the right keeping your hips and shoulders square to the floor. Complete 10 reps on each side.
4. Bird dog
In your four point kneel, extend your Right leg behind you, flex your foot, then reach your Left arm straight out by your ear, hold, and then lower back down to your starting position.
5. Dead bug
Lay on your back, bring your legs to a tabletop position (90 degree angle), flex your feet, extend your arms overhead in line with your shoulders. Lower your R leg down to hover a few inches above the floor and at the same time reach your opposite Left arm overhead. Draw your navel down to your spine as you press your lower back into the floor and return to your starting position. Alternate sides. Complete 10 reps.
6. Glute bridges
Lay flat on your back with your feet flat on the floor, about parallel hip width distance apart. Extend your arms long by your sides and actively press your palms into the floor. Drive your heels into the floor as you squeeze your hamstrings and glutes and press up into a hip bridge and then slowly lower yourself down back to your starting position. Complete 10 reps.
***Feel free to repeat these strength exercises 2-3 rounds through!